Thanksgiving Celebration

This week Dylan’s choir had their Thanksgiving Celebration where they sang a few songs for their parents about having thankful hearts toward God and all He has done for us.  After they sang, Shawn and I got to make a Thanksgiving Tree with Dylan where he told us about some of the things he is thankful for.  Things on his list included snow, toys, dinosaurs, Mommy, Daddy, coffee (because Daddy likes it so much), Christmas, Anna, Abby, and Cody (Cody’s name is written on the yellow leaf underneath Dylan’s hand.)  Dylan and Abby were especially excited about the cookies and punch they got to eat after the singing!  On a side note, this week we went on a bike ride and collected leaves in our neighborhood.  The kids made a Turkey craft using the leaves (I included a photo of Dylan with his.)  I got this idea from my cousin Melanie, and I think it looks so sweet hanging on display on our refrigerator.  So much to be thankful for!