We Want To See You Glorified

I posted this on facebook today, and I wanted to share it here…

“Wanting to give God the glory due Him… Last fall, one year ago from today, God healed Cody of some severe internal bleeding he was experiencing and severe abdominal discomfort.  He has battled the discomfort almost daily since a baby and hospitalized twice for internal bleeding.  Doctors had run every test and could not find the source of bleeding.  Cody told me about a very specific prayer he prayed to God last November.  This was the first he had ever taken this to God on his own.  Then on November 21st of last year, the exact day that Cody asked God to make him well, all of his symptoms vanished!   His blood work is now perfect, and he has been healed ever since.  The doctors are puzzled, but Cody knows and talks about the day God healed him.  Praising God and in awe of what He did in Cody’s life!”