A Little Bit of Christmas Blessings

Last week we went to Arkansas to celebrate Christmas with Shawn’s family.  On the drive there we stopped at a gas station, and a kind grandmother approached our children and talked and talked with them.  She told them to pick out some candy, and she would buy it for them.  Shawn said she didn’t need to do that, and she said to him in a sassy way, “I KNOW I don’t need to.  I want to.”  Ha!  After talking for awhile, the sweet woman left, and Cody said to me, “Do you think God will give her a Merry Christmas?”  He definitely wanted her to have a special day!  This meeting with this grandmother happened a day after someone left a gift bag on my car in the parking lot of Target for my kids.  My guys have been overjoyed with the friendliness of complete strangers!  We had a great visit in Arkansas with family.  My kids loved getting to play with their cousin Lucy.  We made marshmallow snowmen together the one day.  Abigail and Lucy did great with that and actually ate very few marshmallows in the process!  My children definitely treasure time with family.  I overheard Cody talking quietly to himself (he didn’t know I was in the room) the day we left Ohio over Thanksgiving.  He said something about it being the worst day, and I asked him later why he said that.  He said because we had to leave Grandma and Grandpa’s, and he really enjoys playing games with everyone and spending time together.  Then as we were in the car on the way to Arkansas I could hear Cody and Anna talking in the backseat about it being the best day because they got to see family in Arkansas.  My kids obviously love family time!  I am so glad they cherish these moments!