Christmas Season 2013

This Christmas season has been so enjoyable.  One thing I have wanted to do this year was bake a lot of cookies.  I have felt in the past years that this has been one thing I haven’t done as much as I have wanted to do, so this year Anna and I were busy baking.  The boys decided they would rather eat them than help.  Typical boys, I guess!  Anna and I went to my friend Julie’s house one night and baked some more.  I loved having so many cookies for the kids to choose from this year!  My parents came to our home for Christmas.  Dad and Mom found out that I did not own a blender, so they bought one for me, and Dad made milkshakes for all of us that night.  We watched Christmas movies and looked at lights.  Abigail wasn’t feeling well, so she climbed up in Dad’s lap, and Dad spoiled her with massages.  Turns out she loves them and kept asking for more!  She was one pampered little girl!  The funniest quote from Christmas was when Cody put our photos in a jib-jab video.  My photo was on an elf that freely shimmied her hips at the end of the video.  Cody said, “Wow, Mom!  You don’t ever really shake your bottom like that!”  No, I don’t, Cody!  No, I don’t.  Ha!  Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!