Donuts With Santa 2013

This past Saturday we ate donuts with Santa at our subdivision’s family center.  Santa was looking a little disheveled this year, as his brown roots were showing through his beard, and his boots were not zipped up, and he had  no socks.  But whatever was going on with him that morning, he was as friendly as ever, and the kids loved seeing him immensely.  Cody and Anna told him they want an Android tablet this year (I thank my dad for that one…Ha!).  Dylan said he wanted Legos, and Abigail told Santa she wanted a doggy.  Santa gave them all candy canes after hearing their wishes, and Abigail said that Santa was so nice and mentioned his whiskers.  I am so glad she got past her fear this year and got a photo with him!  The kids love seeing neighbors and friends there every year and love the crafts and face painting.  When we left they told Shawn and me this is one of their favorite traditions!