Happy Thanksgiving 2013

We spent Thanksgiving in Ohio this year with my family.  Dylan told me a couple months ago that Grandma and Grandpa’s house is super fun because 1. They have a trampoline 2. Grandpa has an owl 3. They have an air hockey game 4. They have a toy lion and 5. He repeated how much he loves the air hockey game!  He literally was talking about living at their house instead of ours!  I told Shawn we needed to buy a trampoline and find an owl pronto!  We had a great visit and got to watch Leon (Tracy’s German exchange student)  play his first basketball game.  I made shirts for the kids to wear with each letter of Leon’s name and jersey number on the backs.  It was a special night reminiscing of the time I met Shawn at a basketball game there during the end of my junior year.  I also remember attending the games and watching the sweet little kids there having fun, and now I got to take my own children there and let them take in all the excitement of the game, the music, concession stands, and fun times cheering with family and friends.  Dylan and Abby danced to the music at halftime, and one of the Temple cheerleaders joined them in twirling.  How sweet of her!  Dylan and Abby, however, became embarrassed by the attention and immediately found a spot on the bleachers!  Ha!  We went to the theater and saw the movie Frozen which is quite possibly my new favorite Disney movie, although, Tangled is right up there too.  We had family over and watched the Ohio State/Michigan game.  They are huge rivals, and the game was pretty intense.  My cousin Jerry (our sole Michigan fan) brought a lot of fun energy to the game, as well as my sister Kelli!  Dad broke out his enormous box of Whitman’s chocolates.  The kids’ eyes about popped out of their heads when they saw the size of it, and Dylan got to see an appearance of Grandpa’s owl while there.  We also played Round Robin at Ping-Pong, an oldy but goody.  I forgot how much fun that game is!  This year Hank got the long end of the wishbone from the first turkey at our Thanksgiving dinner.  Mom and Dad had an even split on the second.  This year we all wrote something we were thankful for from this past year.  We remembered Cody’s healing and Dylan’s salvation.  Remembering God’s goodness and in awe of His love for us!