A Little Bit of Korean

Cody tested for his blue first belt for martial arts today and passed.  Before testing began, the highest ranking belt was asked to give the opening words to start everything off (I don’t ever remember this occurring during past testings).  This student did not feel ready for it, so Cody was asked to lead.  He began confidently opening today’s testing in front of everyone in attendance.  The strange part was hearing Korean words flowing so beautifully and easily out of my child’s mouth!  I was impressed and didn’t realize he could speak it so well!  He did great on everything and broke the board in three places again this morning with his spin kick.  He sent the middle piece flying across the room!  I love the confidence he has gained in martial arts.  He is enjoying it so  much and kept talking today about being so excited to work towards getting his next belt…red.  He gives his best, and I am so proud of him for that!