
Cody went to his first Black Belt Club this weekend for martial arts and thoroughly enjoyed it!  On Monday he received his next belt in class, his blue first.  He is so excited because he is only one belt away now from being in the advanced class the next hour.  What he didn’t expect, though, was that on Monday he was going to be given an award in class from the martial arts banquet held just the day before (We did not make it to the banquet that evening).  My friend texted me earlier in the day to tell me to have my camera at class because she knew Cody was going to receive this award.  I didn’t tell Cody so he could be surprised; he was thrilled when they called him up to accept the award for the most intensity among the intermediate kids at martial arts.  This award is given for exceptionally great concentration, power, and force.  One of the parents commented that Cody was nominated for a lot of things, so I picked up an achievement awards booklet to see what areas he is excelling in.  He was nominated for best technique, most flexible, best kiap, best power, best attitude, most energy, and, lastly, intensity.  Way to go, Cody!  I am so proud of you!  I love reading “best attitude.”  I had a clerk tell me a couple weeks ago that she was so impressed with how Cody talked to me.  Then yesterday a father came to watch his son at martial arts.  When Cody was sparring his son, Cody kicked, and the boy got knocked down as a result.  Cody sweetly got down low and took his hand to help him.  This boy had been knocked down by other kids during sparring, but Cody was the only one who helped him.  I heard the father, so impressed, telling his wife about it.  He had no idea I was Cody’s mom, and it brought joy to my heart.  I am reminded of a time when Anna was asked awhile back by a neighbor girl to tell a lie.  Anna refused.  I am so proud of these moments.  These shining moments of character are the greatest rewards.  I am so proud of who they are.  I know they will make mistakes; those are bound to come, but I hope they will continue to seek righteousness.  Congratulations, Cody, on all your accomplishments!