Painting Paw

I wanted to share some Christmas crafts we did last month.  I love Abigail’s piggy toe mistletoe!  Shawn and I laughed so much as we painted her feet!  Her feet were so ticklish that she kept laughing this bizarre laugh we have never heard come from her before.  It was so much fun!  Dylan knew there was nooo way we were going to be able to paint his feet.  He takes after his dad.  We all know better than to touch either of their feet!  I love the fingerprint stringed Christmas lights we did this year…so pretty!  Shawn and I also did this with our two and three year old class at church and wrote, “You are the light of the world. ~ Matthew 5:14.”  We continued our tradition and went to the Painting Paw this year and let the kids make ornaments for the tree.  Cody loved that Shawn and he got to work with glass this year to make his ornament.  These are definitely keepsake ornaments, and I loved the memories made in making these!