Snow Breakfasts

I LOVE making snow breakfasts!  I loved seeing Dylan’s face this morning in awe and joy over his snowman donuts.  I loved hearing him say, “He’s so adorable!”  I loved having Anna excitedly helping me make them and hurrying so she can call the boys in to see our creations.  I loved that Cody is not too old yet to enjoy these small things.  This morning he ran over to me and gave me a great big hug and thanked me so excitedly for the snowman breakfast.  I love that Cody and Anna came up with the brilliant idea to add mittens to their snowmen.  Anna then went around and helped Dylan and Abigail accessorize their snowmen!  It is a blizzard out there today, but we are enjoying the warmth and coziness inside!

*These outdoor photos were taken last week during our mild snow.  I didn’t dare take my camera out when we went sledding at the elementary school in almost blizzard-like conditions yesterday!