This and That

Some more sweetness…

1. I was grading Anna’s school papers and saw where she was supposed to write about the most beautiful flowers she had ever seen.  I read, “On my birthday my dad got me roses…”  This was several years ago that he gave them to her, and when I asked her about it, she remembered every detail!

2. Dylan asked me one day, “Mommy, is your second middle name AWESOME?!”

3. Dylan ran up to me to hug me a couple days ago.  He said, “I love you, Mommy!”  Then he squeezed me tighter. “I love you sooo much, Mommy!”  He began to walk away, and I hear him say, “I think we’ll keep you!”  Where does he come up with these things???

4. Anna told me this week, “Oh, Mommy, there’s something I’ve wanted to tell you!  There is a girl at choir who always sits by herself.  I don’t think she has any friends.  I thought she might be lonely, so a couple weeks ago I decided to go sit with her.  Now if she ever comes in, and there are a lot of people around me, I just move up to the bleacher where she is, so she can sit with me.  I used to never see her smile; now she smiles a lot!”  Wow, I love Anna’s heart!!

5. I caught Dylan bent over talking to Abigail, “You’re so precious, Abigail!  Yes, you are!  You’re so precious!”

6. Dylan wanted me to shut his closet door at bedtime just in case there were bad guys in it. (This probably stems from our door, leading into the house, being open when we came home that week.)  Shawn and Cody were not at home when I was putting Dylan to bed, but Dylan said to me, in all sincerity, “I bet if Cody found a bad guy, he could just flip him!”  I am certain Dylan feels much safer with Cody, our martial artist, being home!

7.  Dylan is such a ham at home, but he has struggled this past year to answer people when spoken to.  It’s scary, I’m sure, for him.  This past month, he is speaking when spoken to.  He even responded when Mr. Joe asked Dylan if his pink milk he was drinking came from a pink cow!  This is a big accomplishment for Dylan!  Dylan, you are being so brave!

8. Abby’s favorite phrase is “at one point.”  She’ll say, “I got hungry, at one point,” or “Dylan doesn’t wear that, at one point.”  Everything ends or begins with “at one point!”