Valentine Party 2014

Our Valentine party was a lot of fun this year.  I asked the kids on the way home what their favorite thing was that they did, and they got all excited and began mentioning the game of Twister.  Then they decided that it was really too difficult to choose, so they ended up agreeing that everything was their favorite.  I was so happy to hear that because I spearheaded a lot of the party.  I was so happy to know it was kid-tested and approved!  Cody was so determined to make a scooter for his Valentine box this year.  He did a great job with it!  Anna laughed as she worked on her dog.  It was an idea we got from a catalogue, but we had so much fun watching the transformation from an anteater-looking box to a pig and then to a unicorn.  Hopefully, someone sees that it is a Valentine dog!  Dylan wanted a robot, and Abigail insisted she wanted Batman.  Shawn did great designing hers.  She was very concerned, though, that it did not have a cape, so I taped Dylan’s own Batman cape to the back of her box!  Now it is official!  We played a lifesaver toothpick pass game at the party, Pin the Kisses on the Frog, Don’t Break My Heart, Blinded By Love, and a Hershey Kiss candy relay using only mittens to open the Hershey Kisses.  We made Rice Krispy hearts and decorated them and did other fun Valentine crafts and games.  After all the Valentine cards had been passed out, Anna went to check her box.  There, laying on top, was a heart-shaped box of chocolates.  It was addressed to Anna but was signed “Me.”  I found out it was from a boy who has been smitten with Anna for awhile now.  He wants the gift to be a secret, and Anna is none the wiser…at least, that is how she would lead us to believe.  Anyways, he is a great friend, and I think it is so sweet that Anna got her first Valentine!

P.S.  I love the heart pancakes and heart ice cubes the kids helped me make this year for breakfast!  It made the holiday even sweeter!