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March 2014

Muppets Most Wanted

I wanted to share a few photos from Anna’s 8th birthday.  She invited a few friends over for pizza and cake.  Then …

When Elephants Escape

We have gone to two parades this month.  One was the circus parade on Main Street in downtown St. Charles.  It was …

Wish You Were Here

Shawn has been out of town all week for work, but he comes back tonight.  We have missed him!  The kids wanted …

Basketball Awards Ceremony

We just wrapped up our season of Upwards basketball.  Cody mentioned several times that he was not ready for it to end.  …

St. Louis Food Bank

On Monday the kids and I had the opportunity to help serve at the St. Louis Food Bank.  My friend Kristen and her …

Cardboard Forts and Fires

We got a good amount of sleet Saturday evening, so church was canceled the next morning.  Shawn and I began questioning what we …

One In A Minion

The kids love the movie Despicable Me, so last night I made these cute little Twinkie treats for the kids’ lunches.  I …