Cardboard Forts and Fires

We got a good amount of sleet Saturday evening, so church was canceled the next morning.  Shawn and I began questioning what we were going to do with the 20 cups of blue Jello sitting in our refrigerator.  You see, the story we were to teach the children in the 2 and 3 year old class at church that morning was about Jesus walking on water.  We planned a coloring craft of Jesus for the children to put on top of their blue Jello/”Water” to be eaten at snacktime.  Right as we were questioning ourselves, Anna came in to our room and got sick with the stomach bug, so we figured all the Jello we made was about to go to good use.  We made the Jello craft with our kids that morning.  The night before Shawn had made the kids a cardboard fort out of the box used to package our living room chair we purchased recently.  So far, that fort has been used as an ice cream stand, a school house, a lion’s cage, a home requiring a secret knock to enter, and other fun things their imaginations have created.  I know I took way too many photos of the fort, but I am a little sappy like that!  Saturday evening we roasted hot dogs and s’mores by the fireplace.  At one point, all the kids were in the kitchen eating, and it was just Shawn and me by the fire, talking and roasting hot dogs together.  It felt so warm and cozy.  I commented, “This is kind of romantic.”  Just then we heard a shout from the kitchen from Cody as he was trying to get ketchup from the bottle, “Eww!  It (referring to the ketchup bottle) just tooted!”  Shawn laughed, looked at me, and said, “Is that romantic?”  Okay, moment over, but I, seriously, wouldn’t trade my weekends for anything in the world!