When Elephants Escape

We have gone to two parades this month.  One was the circus parade on Main Street in downtown St. Charles.  It was a little chilly that day.  The very next weekend we headed to the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Cottleville.  The weather was gorgeous that weekend, and the kids left with sun-kissed cheeks.  I got my first sunburn which seemed so crazy in March!  It was fun watching the floats and greeting clowns and other fun activities.  However, there was hardly any candy at either parade which was greatly different from past years when Cody would leave with his bag bulging with goodies.  Anna said, at one point while sitting on the curb, “This parade is NOTHING like last year’s.”  Ha!  We thought about going to the circus this year, but decided not to.  We had already gone last year, and it was Anna’s birthday weekend, so we already had things going.  BUT I did hear the elephants escaped from the family arena after one of the first performances.  They damaged cars in the parking lot, and, apparently, they were not allowed to perform in the last shows.  Can you imagine having to call your insurance agent in the morning to tell them your car had been trampled by elephants?!!  Anyways, we enjoyed some Shamrock shakes over St. Patrick’s Day and had Lucky Charms for our St. Patrick’s Day breakfast.  Poor Abby couldn’t get her sideburns off that day.  We had to run errands with them on.  It took a lot of soapy water and distractions to get those babies off!  She looked so adorable in them, though!