American Girl

Some friends invited us to the library for the American Girl storytelling and craft hour.  I signed Anna up.  There were a lot of girls there for it, some with dolls and some without (and not all American Girl brand).  At the end, there was a drawing for a couple American Girl books.  Two girls’ names were drawn.  Anna’s name got called first, and then Anna’s friend Molly (who invited us) had her name drawn second.  What are the chances?!  The girls were so excited!!

On a side note, I am sharing a photo of our cinnamon roll waffles I made.  Cody asked me as he was going to bed if we could have something special for breakfast.  He never asks that.  I made some cinnamon roll waffles the next morning, and they were a huge hit!  The kids oohed and awed over them saying how cute they looked.  Sometimes it’s just a little variation that brings great delight to one’s morning!