Field Day 2014

Field Day is probably one of my most fun moments to the end of the school year.  I love all of the games.  I especially love the tug-of-war contests.  Don’t let the photos of the older school kids fool you.  It just LOOKS unevenly matched, but those sweet and gentle girls have a LOT of power.  I love the expressions as they dig deep.  Such determination!  My friend Julie brought her drill and made holes in the QT cups to make the water race even more fun and challenging.  It also provided a great way for the kids to cool off.  Dylan also had to break a water balloon on his head during one of the games, and Abby opted to sit on hers.  We played egg races with raw eggs, and the parachute with water balloons is always a big hit!  I am so grateful for another awesome year with these friends!  I also included some pictures from our Presidential Fitness challenge at the track.  Anna asked when we got there if she could just get her bike and ride it around the track instead of running it.  Ha!  I get that girl completely!  Fun times and fun memories!