It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane!…

It has been a little while since I added photos to our blog.  Here is a little of what we have been up to.  The kids and I had the opportunity of going to the Campus Critters program.  We saw and petted various creatures such as a python, bearded dragon, cock roach (that was bizarre), guinea pigs, a wart hog, and other various creatures that the man brought with him.  The kids were given Cheerios to feed the hog; it was funny watching it race around the room to collect the cereal from the children’s hands!  We have been skating with friends.  Anna won the limbo contest and got to spin the wheel for a prize.  She landed on a free funnel cake!  Last weekend Shawn helped work at the air show in Chesterfield.  His company helped put the air show together and had a booth set up there where Shawn worked for a couple hours.  The kids and I walked around to the various displays while Shawn worked.  There was a police officer there who had Cody, Anna, and Dylan try on some goggles.  Each goggle affected their vision in some way, trying to portray what the different levels of intoxication from alcohol feels like.  He was warning others of the dangers of alcohol and how it impairs one’s vision.  That created some interesting discussions!  One of my favorite photos from the day was Abby in the soldier’s arms.  He was so sweet with our kids.  Cody, Anna, and Dylan had their spring concert this month.  Cody was in percussion this semester and played the chimes during one of the songs.  The sign Anna is holding in the one photo says, “Not defeated.”  This was her response when asked what God is to her.  We celebrated with friends at the ice cream shop after the concert. Choir ended with a fun party for each of the classes last week.   Our caterpillars also arrived in the mail this past week.  It is amazing how much they have grown and all that we are learning!  The kids are fascinated with the transformation process.  We keep checking on them throughout the day in anticipation!  My friend sent me a photo of Cody at his friend Matthew’s birthday party and sleepover.  I included it in this post.  Please ignore the gross food hanging from their mouths…Boys are gross!