
Yesterday Shawn and I celebrated 13 years of marriage.  I printed out the photo of all of us at the lake a couple weekends ago when we went canoeing and put it in the card I gave him.  I remember feeling so blessed to have my best friend with me helping me row.  Shawn makes life more fun, and everything just feels better together.  I loved that our canoe was full.  I had prayed for Cody, Anna, Dylan, Abigail, and even Shawn before they ever had come into my life.  I tell Shawn often that God has really given me the desires of my heart.  Everything I had hoped and prayed for, I have.  I don’t ever want to take that for granted, and I praise Him continually for what I have been given!

This biking/canoeing trip was full of memories.  As we got out of our canoes to ride back to our car, Anna’s bike chain broke.  We had several miles left to go to get back to the car.  Shawn had a strap with him, so he rigged Anna’s bike to his and planned to tow her the rest of the way.  We hooked the bike trailer up to my bike, so I could pull Dylan and Abby.  Let me just say, I have a whole new appreciation for the work that goes into pulling a trailer behind one’s bike.  Wow!  That was tough!  It was a breeze on level ground, but we had several good hills to get up, and I felt like the Little Engine That Could!  I kept repeating to myself that I could do it!  I remember hearing Shawn from behind me say to Anna, “Okay, Anna, we are going to go up this bridge pretty fast.”  Ha!  That was my first incline,  and I told Shawn he may want to rethink that if he was going to be following me!  We all made it back, and lots of laughs were shared!  Happy 13 years, Shawn!  I love you!