
We were in Arkansas this past weekend.  When we heard Shawn’s sister Elizabeth was going to be in town from California we made sure to make a trip there and meet baby Will, her little boy.  Shawn’s sister Erin also got to fly in from Colorado with her little girl Lucy.  While there Anna and I attended Elizabeth’s baby shower.  The kids spent some time at the pool with Aunt Elaine and Aunt Erin, and we had some fun with water balloons on Monday before leaving.    I love how sweet and laid back Elizabeth is…Anna wanted so badly to feed Will a bottle while there, and Elizabeth so sweetly let her.  In fact, Anna fed him, I think, two bottles while there!  A real life baby doll!…Toys ‘R Us has nothing on Baby Will!  It was nice for Cody, Anna, Dylan, and Abigail to spend time with cousins.  I hope they always see how special and important family is.