Frozen Theater Workshop

Cody and Anna signed up for a mini Frozen Theater Workshop.  Cody has watched a sweet teenage girl from our church in plays and has thought it might be fun to try.  When I heard about this workshop from my friend I thought it would be the perfect way to get his feet wet in drama and see if he really likes it.  Frozen is one of Cody and Anna’s favorite Disney movies.  It was a short three hour a day for three days workshop…Perfect!!  Shawn and I threw a family movie night.  The kids were asking for another one after we did 101 Dalmations, so this time we decided to throw a Frozen picnic, complete with snacks and dinner to go with our theme.  We had Olaf noses (baby carrots), blue Jello jiggler snowflakes, blue drinks, and a snack bag to build their own snowman!  It was a fun way to get ready for the workshop!  Cody made a great friend while at the workshop, and Anna and he both enjoyed going (Anna had several girlfriends who had already signed up.)  They each got their own movie script from Frozen and read and sang from it everyday that week in the car!  Cody got the lead part of Kristoff which he was hoping to get.  (There were just a few small parts handed out to the older children.)  It was a wonderful first experience, and the best part was that they got to put on a mini performance the afternoon of Shawn’s birthday!  Shawn took off work early and got to come.  We came home and grilled chicken kabobs, and the kids served their mustache cupcakes they made for Shawn.  I prayed that Cody and Anna would come away from the experience just having fun and feeling a sense of confidence.  I would say it was a success!