Cody And The Babaloo Dancers

I took the kids Monday to see the Babaloo show at the library.  When I tried to tell Shawn about it later, I had a difficult time finding a way to express just how incredible and fun it was.  The man was very talented on his guitar and related so well with the children.  Three other families from our group of friends joined us, and we were all entertained.  Cody got asked to come up and help the man with a song during the program.  The man told him to pick two REALLY cute girls.  His mind immediately went to preschool “cute!”  The boy he picked was his friend Cody B.  The man kept referring to them as Cody and the Babaloo Dancers!  It was hilarious, and the kids all enjoyed it!  Later in the program, he let the kids grab buckets (and later sticks) and help make music with him.  He threw out bean bags, at one point, and let the kids bop with those for awhile.  Toward the end he shot off toilet paper in the air for the kids to grab and go crazy.  He also had a huge bubble machine that filled the ceiling with bubbles that floated down to the kids.  After it was all over, Cody came to me and asked if I could take his photo with the man.  Now, you know it is something special when a 10 year old boy ASKS to get his photo taken with you!  We left and checked out more library books, and Anna, Dylan, and Abigail put on a puppy show.