Magic House 2014

I really dislike crowds.  I avoid places with too much noise.  So when a friend told me that she went to the Magic House on a Friday evening and there wasn’t a crowd I began to listen.  The Magic House always seems to draw a crowd.  She said one of the employees told her it is pretty empty every Friday evening except the third Friday, when there is free admission.  We decided to give it a try last week.  It was incredible!  We walked in and felt like we had the whole place to ourselves, and, to top it off, we were told when we arrived that they were having a special Fitness Friday, and our kids got free admission.  It only cost us $15 for our whole family that evening!  We haven’t been there in several years, and our children had the best time.  They flitted happily from room to room, excited about everything they saw.  As the kids were hurrying down the stairs, Anna quickly whipped around, hugged  me, and said, “Thank you for taking us here!”  Then Cody, Dylan, and Abby shouted their thankfulness as well.  My favorite photos are from the oval office.  I think captions could go with those so easily!  I love how their Presidential personalities show through in each photo.  When we left Cody asked everyone what their favorite exhibit was.  Abby liked the electric ball that is supposed to create a hair-raising experience.  It wasn’t working, but she thought it was fun as the lady running it made Anna and Abby “shake their heads like a rock star” to see if she could get it to work!  They played veterinarian and grocery store clerks.  Abby was the best cashier.  She literally sniffed every one of my grocery items before scanning them.  Talk about fresh produce!  If Cody were to ask me, I would tell him my favorite was everything.  I loved watching their imagination and curiosity literally burst from them that night.