Museum of Transportation

I had heard about the Museum of Transportation for a long time now but had never gone.  This past week we decided to visit it.  We mostly saw trains, boats, and airplanes because the automobile building was closed for an event.  It was fun to see the workings of the trains and pretend to be conductor for the afternoon.  My favorite was the old-fashioned trains with the antique dining sets inside.  Since we were near, we ate at Dewey’s for the first time.  The kids loved that they got to watch their pizza being made.   The employee near their window had fun with the kids as they peeked in to watch him.  He would throw a powder of flour at the window to make them laugh.  He also showed off his mad pizza tossing skills.  My guys were hugely impressed, and I’m sure they made our pizza guy feel like a total rock star!