Together is…

…my favorite place to be.

My parents and sister Kelli and my brother-in-law Wade came to visit over Labor Day weekend.  The kids were so excited about them coming that they sat looking out the window with their walkie-talkies to report any activity or sightings of Aunt Kelli’s vehicle coming down the street.  Cody, Dylan, and Abigail stationed themselves at the dining room window, while Anna was on lookout at her bedroom window upstairs.  Grandma and Grandpa bought Abigail her very first rose.  Anna received one also.  (I included a photo of some tie-dye flowers Anna received awhile back from Shawn also because I think they are so beautiful too that I wanted to share.)  Abby looked so precious with her flower.  We did a lot of shopping and visited the VB Chocolate Bar Saturday afternoon for dessert.  I also introduced them to Grandma’s Cookies on Main Street, a favorite of ours.  Anna made us all laugh when she ordered Rocky Road ice cream over the weekend, just to discover it had nuts, making her wish she had gotten something different.  When my mom offered to trade her mint chocolate chip ice cream for Anna’s Rocky Road, Anna made a passing comment something about, “Daddy says I can’t spit my nuts back into my ice cream.”  That little piece of information is very helpful when determining whether you want to make a trade with someone!  Aunt Kelli also taught Cody and Anna how to text on her phone.  They were greatly addicted by the time my family went home.  We had a lesson on moderation.  Ha!  My dad took some family photos for Shawn and me while we were on Main Street.  I LOVE them immensely and am so grateful to my dad for snapping them.  We are already looking forward to being together with everyone again in the fall!