Crescent Beach Condo

I am so excited to finally share some vacation photos!  I thought I would first share some photos of the condo we stayed at when we arrived in Florida.  The place was decorated so much cuter than I had imagined.  It felt bright and happy and peaceful.  I commented to Shawn that I had no weird feelings staying there and that it felt like home.  That night, as I was getting into bed, Shawn asked me if I had seen the books on the nightstand.  I hadn’t.  They were mostly books of Scripture, the Bible, Prayer of Jabez, devotionals, etc.  There were some conservative political books in the other rooms and fun reads for children.  I could tell these were our kind of people!  We had a view of the ocean from our balcony, and Shawn and I ate out on the balcony for most meals, trying to spot the dolphins as they jumped out of the water.  We made so many happy memories at this place that I just don’t want to forget it.