Surf Style and the Pirate Ship

The one day it really rained on vacation we decided to try out Surf Style, a shop that also has a flow rider inside.  Shawn was the only one that really ventured to try surfing.  The kids (with the exception of Abby) and I mostly just rode it laying down or on our knees.  It was so much fun.  When falling off, the ride totally sucks you back up to the top.  The man told me before riding to hold on tightly to the board.  I told him that I was so nervous that my hands felt too weak to grip anything tightly.  I was so glad I tried it, though.  It was so much fun!  By evening, the weather cleared up, and we were able to go on Captain Memo’s pirate ship for their sunset cruise.  This was Cody’s favorite thing we did that week he said.  The kids laughed so much on this boat ride.  There was a couple who were on the boat who were so enthusiastic and fun with our kids.  They went out of their way to make sure they had an awesome time which is funny because we had thought maybe they were friends of the crew members on the boat, but it turns out they knew no one on there.  It was their first time on it themselves.  Shawn and I think they were slightly intoxicated, but they were so incredibly sweet to our children.  The husband told us later he is a high school teacher.  The staff actually recruited him to dress up as Peg-leg Pete and trick the kids into thinking he was there to steal all the treasure on the ship.  He took his acting role seriously and put his whole heart into it.  He came running out, full gusto,  from the back of the boat towards the kids, jumped, and accidentally slipped on the water from a previous water gun fight between the parents and the children.  His legs slipped out from under him, and he came crashing down on his bottom.  This, of course, left the kids roaring with laughter!  The man was fine, and it made for some good laughs.  HIs wife got it on video, so she replayed it later.  Cody won musical chairs and was interviewed afterwards…”Have you ever played musical chairs before?  Have you ever won any of those times?  What was your strategy for winning musical chairs?”  Cody received a Captain Memo’s keychain as his prize.  We all got our faces painted as pirates which made for some awkwardness when having to pick up a few items at the grocery store afterwards.  It was another great evening full of fun memories.