The Florida Aquarium

Abigail walked into our bedroom on the last day of vacation singing, “I’m gonna miss this.  I’m gonna want this.”  Shawn just looked over at me and smiled.  She was singing the words to one of my favorite country songs by Trace Adkins, “You’re gonna miss this.  You’re gonna want this back.  You’re gonna wish these days hadn’t gone by so fast.  These are some good times, so take a good look around.  You may not know it now, but you’re gonna miss this.”  Way to sum up our week, Abby…These really are some good times!  The morning we left we walked out to the beach one last time.  You know you are a tourist to the state when your kids immediately find the smallest, cutest lizard ever and declare, “Oh, I think this is going to be the best thing that happens to me all day!”  Yes, Cody actually felt that way!  We spent the morning and early afternoon at The Florida Aquarium since it was close to the airport.  It was so much fun!  The kids got to pet starfish and sting rays while there.  There were so many fascinating creatures there that we had never seen in person before.  I have shared just a few of our favorites.  On the airplane ride home, Anna shot a beautiful photo from her window seat as we were nearing St. Louis.  Dylan and Abby were their same silly selves.  As we were descending, Dylan shouts to Abby, “We’re going to crash!  Let’s hold each other!”  Shawn leaned over and said, “I seriously hope nobody on this plane has a fear of flying!”

P.S.  I shared a photo of the lobster Shawn ordered on the last night there.  Anna told me, “Don’t look at Dad’s food!  It’s disgusting!”  I also included a photo of the musician singing, “Brown-eyed Girl” as we were leaving the restaurant that night.  The little details mean so much!