Wave Runners, Clearwater, and Street Performers

While on vacation we went to John’s Pass and rented 2 three seater wave runners.  It was such an incredible feeling driving a wave runner right alongside dolphins!  The kids loved spotting them, and then we would ride alongside them for awhile.  It was so neat seeing them come out of the water right next to us!  The boys also loved it when we would race each other on them (the wave runners not the dolphins !).  Cody even named our wave runners.  It was the bumble bee versus the bubble gum!  We also spent some time in Clearwater playing on their white sandy beaches and boogie boarding.  In the evening we watched the street performers.  Dylan got picked out of the crowd to assist two of them.  He had to spin a dinner plate on a stick while holding a “grenade” in the other hand and standing on one foot.  They told him not to drop the plate, or their grandmother would not be happy.  Then they told him not to drop what was in his other hand or all the people there in the crowd would not be happy.  Ha!  They paid him two dollars for helping them.  Then they told him to give one of the dollars to the little girl standing in the front row.  They said he needed to get used to that now!  They also said they were looking for a strong man for another one of their performances, so they, naturally, called Shawn out of the crowd!  The kids loved seeing their dad a part of the show.  It was such a fun way to end the evening.

P.S. While at Clearwater we ate at Frenchy’s where they serve some of the best key lime pie I have ever eaten.  Also, a funny story…Cody liked to collect little shells in the evening, and he got his brother and sisters to join him.  One day our condo stunk so badly in the entryway.  We searched for the cause and found Cody had put clam shells into his bag and they had come out and died inside the bag.  Eww, how it reeked!