City Museum

We went to Baileys’ Range over the weekend for lunch.  Their food is rated high, and the décor is fun and unusual.  However, when your 8 year old spends the whole lunch hour trying to figure out the gender of the servers, it makes for a most disturbing and confusing meal time.  Oy!  We then went to the City Museum to play.  When we arrived Shawn commented on how dangerous the play equipment seemed last time we were there, which was about 10 years ago.  Cody said, “I love dangerous!”  Upon seeing the building, the kids were shouting, “Cool!  This is so awesome!”  And it didn’t disappoint at all once we got our admission bracelets.  Anna said to me at one point, “This is the best thing we have ever done!”  Dylan told me, “This is so fun!  There are too many things to do here!”  The slides were extremely steep.  I, seriously, could not see how children didn’t end up doing a face plant on the concrete at the bottom of the slides.  Shawn took a photo of me about to go down the slide with Abigail, but I chickened out last minute, afraid of hurting Abby.  I tried to get up the nerve to try it by myself first.  I didn’t have to debate it too long, though, because Cody sneaked up behind me and pushed me down!  My arms were so sore afterwards as I tried my hardest to “claw my way back up the flat steel” as Shawn put it.  Cody was quite proud of himself and got a good laugh at my expense!  I had to crawl through the smallest spaces/tunnels also on our visit there.  When Shawn couldn’t find where the kids would be exiting immediately, I didn’t want the kids to be without a parent.  You do what you have to do.  I saw many parents of young children do this.  You had to.  It felt like a scene out of Alice and Wonderland.  I kept looking for my magic potion to shrink me down to size.  Or was it a cookie?  Either way, I am sure it was quite a sight.  I love the photos Shawn took on the ferris wheel.  Those were taken seconds before it began pouring down rain.  Thankfully, we all had hoods on our clothing, so at least our heads didn’t get soaked as we waited for the man to get us off the ride.  We stopped at the popular Crown Candy for shakes afterwards.  There was a man with a tip jar outside playing some beautiful music with his instruments.   Inside Crown Candy, I asked Shawn if he had any money to put in the man’s tip jar.  He said he did, but, when we walked back outside, the man had stepped away from his instruments, and the beautiful music kept playing!  Ha!  On the ride home, as we were getting ready to take Cody to a movie and a sleepover at a friend’s house, Cody says, “I don’t see how this day could get any better.”  My thoughts exactly!