FLL Competition

Cody and his team The Bots had their First Lego League competition the beginning of this month.  It is amazing the difference a year and some experience makes!  The kids were so much more at ease and confident this year as they presented.  The nerves did not seem to be present this time around.  I was so proud of all the children!  They presented well and had fun with it.  They received the Robot Design Award again this year.  This award “recognizes a team that excels across the Mechanical Design, Programming and Strategy & Innovation categories.  This team uses outstanding programming principles and solid engineering practices to develop a robot that is mechanically sound, durable, efficient, and highly capable of performing challenge missions.”  I included a photo of the capes I made for the team’s skit on the different learning styles.  These were thought of and put together very last minute (like 1 or 2 days before), but I think they turned out cute!  I was so happy the kids loved them and wore them the entire day of the competition.  They were asking to keep them, and when asked by one of the judges what their favorite thing about their skit was, they smiled and said their capes.  Aww, that touched my heart.  Great job, Bots!  Let’s meet again next year…