Football and Festive Food

We have been enjoying the fall temperatures with some bonfires, football, and some yummy chocolate acorns!  Thought I would share some sweet things from the kids….

I had a rough two days last week.  Abby erased all of that one morning as she sat beside me while I graded school papers, “Mommy, you’re my sunshine.  I hope you will always be my sunshine.  Sometimes I like you, and sometimes I love you too much.”

One morning in Dylan’s kindergarten lessons we were talking about the Statue of Liberty and the Liberty Bell.  On the back of his paper we read about and looked at pictures of freedoms and good things we enjoy in America.  Dylan tried to tell them to me by himself as he looked at the pictures….We have good food to eat.  We can choose where to live and go to the church of our choice.  We can read God’s Word.  He got stuck on the picture of the man standing in front of the Capitol building.  I told him we can choose our leaders.  I explained, “Remember when you stayed home with Daddy the other day, so I could go and vote?  I got to vote and choose who I want to govern and lead our country.”  Dylan tried his hardest to listen and understand.  Then he spoke up innocently and said, “So did you choose God?”  Went straight to my heart.

Dylan was doing things to get under the skin of Cody and Anna at lunch one afternoon.  Anna began telling me about it, “Don’t you know Dylan….”  She went on to tell me about it.  I smiled and responded, “And don’t you know he likes to try to get you two riled, and it works?”  About ten seconds later I hear Dylan say to them, “Don’t you know all I ever try to do is give you both respect?”  Ha!

Dylan and Abby have been sick, so we haven’t all been able to go to “big church” and worship in the auditorium.  They were feeling much better last Sunday, so we decided to go.  I figured they would each fall right to sleep in our arms, but they didn’t.  And, truth be told, Abby was somewhat restless, and I questioned whether our choice to stay was the best.  Sure, she seemed well behaved, but it took constant work on our part.  Then as we stood to sing one last worship song, I heard Abigail, and I watched her poochy lips as she sang, “What can wash away my sins?  Nothing but the blood of Jesus.  What can make me whole again?  Nothing but the blood of Jesus.  Oh, precious is the flow that makes me white as snow.  No other fount I know.  Nothing but the blood of Jesus.”  I didn’t even realize she knew those words.  Those were the sweetest minutes of my whole day.