Edward Elliot

We did Elf on the Shelf this year.  Anna named our elf Elliot, but she got outvoted by her siblings when Cody came up with Edward.  We named him Edward Elliot, but most of the times he seemed to be called Elliot.  It was so exciting to see the kids searching for him each morning.  And, even though Cody knew it was us, he always got excited in anticipation of what our little elf would be up to the next morning.  Seeing Elliot’s antics always brought a smile to our faces (Shawn and me included).  One morning we caught him cozied up in the chair watching Frosty the Snowman.  We also found him reading about Jesus’ birth in Luke 2 and worshipping at the manger which brought about great conversation with the kids.  I love how Shawn seemed like a kid himself moving him around before going to bed.  I’ll never forget when Shawn enthusiastically announced, “I know…I bet I can hot glue him to the toilet!”  Oh my!  And he did it.  Dylan found him one of the first mornings and said, “Elliot, you’re the best!”  And the last morning Elliot was with us, Anna came into my bedroom.  The first words out of her mouth were, “I’m not ready for Elliot to leave.”  He was cute and fun, and we grew quite fond of our little elf.  Maybe we will see him again next year…