Holiday Spectacular and 70th Birthday Brunch

We went to Ohio several weekends ago.  I wanted to take the kids to the Holiday Spectacular, a Christmas production that the drama department from the university where Shawn attended has put on for many years now.  It was a favorite of mine growing up.  It didn’t disappoint.  In fact, when I asked the kids what their favorite thing we did in Ohio was, they shouted the “Holiday Spectacular!”  I questioned, “You liked that even over Chuck E. Cheese?”  They insisted they did.  I am so glad they got to enjoy one of my favorite memories growing up.  Speaking of Chuck E. Cheese, we went there one day for lunch.  The kids had fun playing games and following the giant mouse around and dancing for free tickets.  My mom and dad surprised us by bringing in a cake to celebrate my birthday.  My sister joked, “Now you can tell everyone you’ve gotten to celebrate your birthday at Chuck E. Cheese!”  Ha!  My favorite memory was watching my dad in his church clothes and black wool dress coat grab Anna and begin dancing with her to a fun Christmas carol.  Her smile and his smile as they twirled around will be etched in my memory forever, and I am sure Anna’s as well.  We celebrated my dad’s 70th birthday with a birthday brunch Saturday morning.  We had a fun mustache theme and photo props.  We also got to meet Janis, my sister’s exchange student from Germany this year.  Shawn had fun trying out my dad’s crossbow.  I think he felt more manly afterwards.  At least, that is how I imagine men feel after the thrill of shooting weapons.  The kids held the opossum skull Grandpa found in the woods on our visit.  They weren’t at all squeamish about it either.  Show and tell would be quite different, I am sure, if we lived there!  Thanks for the fun memories!