New Year’s Eve 2014

This morning we celebrated the New Year at my friend Erin’s house.  The party was from 10 in the morning until noon.  The kids made noise makers, had fun with photo props, ate lunch, celebrated with cookies and milk served in plastic wine glasses with colorful sprinkles along the rim, and then a countdown at 11:59.  We also shared some of our favorite memories from 2014.  It was such a fun, laid back way to roll in the New Year with kids.  But my favorite moment of the day was when I was tucking Anna into bed.  She looked up at me and said in the most beautiful, heart warming way, “I’m really glad I have you, Mom.”  Now those are some of the sweetest words to wrap up my year.  Thank you, Anna.  That meant more to me than I could ever express.  Love you, sweet girl!  I am the luckiest.