Storytelling Stones

On the morning of January 1st we sat down and talked about The Big God Story as the kids call their story time at church.  We used some storytelling stones that I had made.  Our story started at Creation and Adam and Eve in the garden.  We walked through the story of Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, the Judges and Kings, and the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Then we talked about how it is our turn.  We’re a part of the Big God Story.  We get to live out this story every day through our words and actions toward those around us.  The Bible says that as God’s children, we should be known by our love for others and the fact that we tell others the good news of Jesus.  We discussed ways we can be more intentional in doing this.  It was fun to hear the kids’ thoughts, and it was such a great way to start 2015.  I really should have put Shawn’s and my photo on a stone also.  We are also playing a part in the most exciting story ever told!