100 Days of School

This week we had our 100th day of school.  We recognized it by dressing like old people.  Cody really got into it by assigning us all “old people” names.  Cody became Flinn Crakitt for the day, Anna…Mary Crinnet, Dylan…Chester Worrington, Abigail…Lily Gonda, Shawn…Charles Grindell, and I became Flora Nightingale.  Coincidentally, we made dinosaur fossils that day also.  I asked the kids if they thought it would be fun to plan a day like this next year with friends, dress as elderly and go out for lunch like that.  They said, “No way!”  I tried to sway them by telling them they might get the senior citizen discount, but it was to no avail, something about Abby’s small stature giving them away.