
~Cody was describing a 4 year old girl’s beautiful voice singing “O Holy Night” and said, “It made my heart cry out.”

~Dylan’s choir teacher told me one day, “I probably shouldn’t say this, but Dylan’s one of my favorites.”

~Abby told me one day, “My ears hurt.  I think I need candy.”  She thought if it worked to get candy on the plane ride, it should work anytime.

~Anna sounds just like her pediatrician when playing doctor with her siblings.  The way she says, “Go…Go…and Go” in a soft, hushed voice as she makes Dylan and Abby breathe for her, makes me feel like Dr. Mueller is right in the room with us.  I had no idea Anna paid so close attention to the little details of our fabulous pediatrician.

~We were at Bath and Body Works, and all the female employees had on cute aprons.  A male employee walks out wearing an apron as well and a long ponytail.  Dylan shouts in a shocked manner, “That person looks like a man!”  Well, it was a man, but the ponytail and apron confused Dylan.  Awkward moment.

~Anna reaches for my hand at dinner.  I thought she wanted to show me something.  Instead she tells me, “I just see you reach over and give your hand to Daddy in the car, and I wanted to try it.”

~Abigail is deathly afraid of spiders right now.  She will scream a frightening scream.  When I rush in, there is a spider the size of a crumb.  City girl.

~Dylan is quite the charmer.  “Thank you , my dear.”  “Pick me up, my sweetie.”  And “Catch me, my dear.”  Those are just a few of his phrases lately.

~Abigail was quite a ways ahead of me at the skating rink the other day.  I looked up to find she had stopped and knelt down to help another little girl her age who had fallen.  She had her hand on the girl’s back and was trying to help her up so tenderly.  This girl was a complete stranger.  It was just what my heart needed to see that day.  Proud of you, Abigail.

~In church I could see Cody beside me singing his heart out to the words, “Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God forever.  Take my life, and let it be all for You and for Your glory…”  But what caught my attention was seeing him worshipping in his own little world right there.  His hands were out just in front of him, palms up to Heaven, and he sang it with such passion, as if no one was around.  Nothing quite like seeing your 10 year old boy worshipping with all he has.

~It’s been cold here.  Abby came in from outside and told me plainly, “Mommy, my armpits are freezing.”

~ Dylan announced out of the blue one day, “I want to marry Mommy.”  Awe!

~  When Anna was recovering from her surgery, Cody gave her a bell.  When she would ring it, he would come running.  He tended to her every need.  It was really rather thoughtful.

~Abby told me one night as I was tucking her into bed, “You are more cuterful than anyone.”

~  Dylan: “Abby shot my Lego.”  Abigail: “Sorry.”  Dylan, rather annoyed by her apology: “That didn’t help.”

~Abigail: “Dylan is being bad.  I just want to throw him in the trash can and take him out…Then I’ll see if he’s good.”

~Abby likes to encourage.  She said to me one day, “I’m glad I have you.  I’m so glad God gave you to me.  I want to see you all the time.”  A few seconds later, “Did that make your heart happy?”

~I told Cody one afternoon, “I’m so glad God gave you to me.  You’re pretty awesome.”  Cody said, “I know.  You tell me that like a million times.”  Cody, Anna, Dylan, and Abigail, I will probably keep on saying it, and I hope you know it in your head and in your hearts.  You guys are all super awesome in my book!!