Anna’s 9th Birthday

Avery and Lauren spent the afternoon with us Saturday to celebrate Anna’s birthday.  We are beyond grateful that God gave us such an amazing girl!  Cody and Anna had us all laughing yesterday as Geoffery the giraffe from Toys “R Us called to wish Anna a happy birthday.  My mom gave them Anna’s birthday date years ago, and she still receives calls from him.  He has such a funny voice.  Cody and Anna put together little skits yesterday pretending that Anna was an old lady and still receiving birthday calls from the giraffe.  She was so funny, stooped over, holding her aching back, and talking in her best granny voice to Geoffery.  Cody said, with cheeks hurting from laughter, “What if you are still getting calls from him when you’re a teenager, and all your friends are gathered around the phone and hear it?!”  They were dying with laughter.  Who knew one giraffe could cause so much silliness?!