Said Hello To The Giraffes

Things we learned at the zoo…

~  Pockets are not a safe place for little boys’ hands.  Poor Dylan tripped over a crack in the sidewalk and fell straight down.  It was literally the most graceful fall that hurt my heart the most.  He later recovered and was back to monkeying around.

~ A snake can swallow a mouse whole.  We witnessed this first hand.  Cody said it was the highlight of his trip.  “Awesome!” he declared.  He videotaped it and everything.  I have a photo, but I just couldn’t post it.  I thought if I made it black and white to mask its pink fleshy tail that would help.  It still disgusts me.

~  Abby can sleep the whole time at the zoo if being pushed around in a nice plush stroller.  She never woke up for the car ride afterwards, and later that afternoon it dawned on her, “We never saw the giraffes!”  Oh, but we did…while you were sleeping.

~  I love when someone approaches us and asks to take a family photo, but the truth is I always mentally size them up to see whether I could outrun them if they tried to steal away with my camera.  Shawn says he was confident he could have easily taken the young 20-something.  I don’t know.  We’re not as young as we used to be!