A Whole New World

Have I mentioned how much more fun Six Flags is now that the kids are a little older?  No double stroller, no diaper bags, and Cody and Anna could ride all the rides.  They rode the Batman and Mr. Freeze which are the rides that all the college kids are talking about.  They were complete champs!  In an effort to make sure we got to ride as many rides possible that day, I hurriedly put Dylan and Abigail on the first ride I saw that looked like something in their height requirement.  Unsure whether they could latch themselves in, I asked the man attending if I could ride with them.  The name of the ride should have clued me in…Tsunami.  Aagh, I looked like a drowned rat afterwards!  The very first ride!  Oh, well, Dylan and Abigail loved it!  We went on one ride where Dylan leaned over to me and said, “This ride is giving me butterflies!”  Abigail responded with, “It’s giving me wedgies!”  We ended the day with ice cream and fireworks.