To Quote You

Jotting down some things I want to remember…

1. Anna told me she thinks a boy at church told her she was pretty as she was walking by.  I asked her if she told him “Thank you”, and she told me, “I just pretended I didn’t hear him.”  I laughed and told her I probably would have done the same thing.  She then mentioned how her friend Avery reacted to it.  I said, “Well, how do you know he wasn’t talking to Avery?  She says, “Well, he may have walked up to me, and he may have tapped me on my shoulder.”  Then she smiled kind of sheepishly.  We just laughed…okay, not quite the subtle ignore that I previously had in mind!

2. Shawn bought Cody some shoes, similar to ones Shawn’s worn before.  Cody told me one day as he was putting them on, “I really like these shoes, Mom.  They remind me of Dad, and I like to think about him.”

3. A couple of the kids were singing in the car, and Abigail asks them, “Could you guys stop that?  I’m about to lose my appetite.”

4. Dylan and Abigail’s “affectionate” names for each other, Villain Dylan and Crabby Abby

5. Abby gets very confused if we tell her something will happen today or tomorrow.  She always asks, “Is this today?” or “Is this tomorrow?”

6. I was at Pier one, and I saw a wooden table that I liked.  I pointed it out, and Cody told me that I am always drawn to things that are sort of old-fashioned and made of wood.  He then hits me with, “Is it because you were born in the 90’s or something?”  I think he just called me old!

7.  I asked Dylan if he thought Abigail would want me to spread some cheese on her crackers to which he replied, “Yes, she takes that very seriously.”  Ha!

8. Abigail, “Daddy, my freckle hurts.”

9. Dylan was telling me something about “The thing in the back of his throat that looks like a punching bag”.  Cute!

10. It was Mother’s Day, and I looked over at Abigail as we were waiting to sit down at the restaurant.  She had pulled her elastic skirt down under her bottom and was mooning Dylan!  Hip stuck out very cutesy-like.  Panties still on, thankfully!  Oh, she thought she was funny!

11. Dylan talks about how he can touch in the “shadow” (shallow) end at our pool.

12. Not so much a quote but a funny (now, at least) moment…The night we were visiting my parents.  I walked into the bedroom where Cody was just about asleep and reminded him that he did not put his retainer in.  He quickly got up, put it in, and a few minutes later his stomach got upset.  He threw up into the toilet, and his retainer fell out into the toilet.  As I was getting Cody a drink from downstairs, Shawn walked into the bathroom and flushed the retainer down.  Cody’s stomach went back to feeling just fine almost instantaneously, and $175.00 later we had a new retainer.  The orthodontist office asked me if we lost his retainer.  I guess you could say that.

13. At the pool, an elderly lady in a swimsuit gets up from her chair (her legs very wrinkly), and Dylan blurts out in surprise, “She has a lot of wrinkles on…”  He can’t finish at this point because my hand is now over his mouth!

14.  At the pool, Abigail got the whistle blown on her.  I saw the lifeguard scrambling for his whistle as soon as he saw her do a flip into the water.  It was pretty impressive, though.  I give it 10 stars.  Abby doesn’t understand why she can’t do certain things at the pool like that.  She told me, “But I’m brave, Mommy.”  Um, that’s sort of the problem.  She’s a little too brave, dangerously brave.

15. At Six Flags, I wanted to get a photo of Dylan on a roller coaster.  I thought about taking one with my cell phone, but I later saw a sign that stated clearly that if caught with a cell phone out on the ride, you will be kicked out of the park for a year.  I mentioned to Cody that we probably shouldn’t risk that chance.  He thought a moment, “But wouldn’t it just be YOU who gets kicked out?”  Clearly, he felt no alliance to me at that point.

16. Dylan has asked several times to be baptized now.  He asked me if when I see him in the baptismal if I am going to shout, “Wahoo, that’s my boy!”

17. Shawn overheard Abby saying to one of her siblings, “First, it’s not your concern, and second, it’s none of your business.”

18.  Anna and Abigail both had doctor visits the same day.  It was their yearly checkups.  Anna didn’t realize the nurse switched gears and was now asking me questions about Abigail and not her anymore.  She became insulted by the questions…”Can she count to 5?  Do people understand her for the most part when she talks?”  Ha!

19. We had a pretty scary storm a couple weeks ago.  The clouds were stirring, and the tornado sirens went off.  When we came up from the basement, our neighbor was out in the middle of the street, talking to someone on the phone and looking up at the still very scary-looking clouds.  Dylan says, “I wonder who he’s calling.  Hmm, probably God.”  His face was completely sincere when he said this.

20.  Cody had a neighbor girl tell him about a crush the other neighbor girl has on him.  And so it begins.

21. Love when Cody places his arm around Shawn and me in church.  Never gets old.

22.  Abigail greatly despises when someone cracks their fingers.  It sends the shivers through her body, and she covers her ears.

23.  Shawn and I get told a lot by the kids’ teachers and others how well-behaved the kids are and obedient.  I have had teachers tell me that they are so sweet and always good for them and favorites of theirs.  We were at Shawn’s coworker’s house for dinner the other evening, and Shawn’s coworkers and their wives commented on it several times.  I know I take it for granted.  I love the saying, “Don’t let yourself become so concerned with raising a good kid that you forget you already have one.”  I hope they always seek the good and walk in truth.

24. Abby received 4 immunization shots at the doctor this past visit.  She didn’t make a peep or squirm.  When it was over with, she told the nurses and me, “That didn’t hurt.”  This girl amazes me.

25.  Dylan lost his first tooth on the drive to the car dealership.  He asked me in that moment, “Is the tooth fairy real?”  To these questions I like to be honest, but they don’t usually get asked on the first tooth!”  Cody noticed my initial hesitation and saved it, “Well, we’ll have to see if there’s a dollar in your tooth pillow in the morning!”  Cody is quite the politician.

And because I don’t like to have a post without photos, I threw in some random ones.  Enjoy!