Jungle Book Party

Cody wanted to go to the movies for his birthday and see Jungle Book.  He took his best friend Colton along for it.  We got a seat up front, and all of us nearly jumped out of our seats several times throughout the movie.  Abby had trouble showering that night because she was afraid the snake Kaa was going to get in the shower and get her!  It was Cody’s birthday, but I also got a pretty great present that day.  That morning I got up, made some food for the celebration, and tidied the house a bit.  At 11:15 a.m. as I was finishing getting myself ready, Cody knocks on my door.  He said to me, “Mom, it’s me.  May I come in?”  After opening the door, he tells me, “I just wanted to come in and visit with you for a little bit.  I feel like I haven’t seen you since this morning.”  I love our talks too, Cody, and I love getting to be your mom!  Thanks for being such an awesome kid!