My Mother’s Day Necklace

It was my first Mother’s Day yesterday without my mom here, so the necklace that Shawn and the kids gave me meant so much.  It has the words “Amazing Grace” etched on it.  Of course, that reminds me of the words Mom spoke when she was laying in the hospital bed, “I just feel so blessed.”  Why?  “Amazing Grace.”  It also reminds me of the vision she and Abby had of Heaven, but it also reminds me that when I sought God I found Him.  When I felt abandoned, God showed me His great love for me.  I am not insignificant to Him, and He is very present in my life.  At the close of the church service yesterday Pastor Bob reminded the congregation that God does indeed heal physical bodies on earth, but eventually we still die.  But we can be healed by the Gospel and live for all eternity.  Thankful Mom was healed by the Gospel, and there is so much greater joy in that kind of healing!