We’re Like The Tallest Things In Here!

We skipped school last week and went to the zoo!  We met the zoo’s newest member, an 850 pound polar bear named Kali.  After being there a few hours, the sky turned a weird green color.  Lightning streaked the sky, and soon we heard the booming thunder.  We were about to get caught in a huge thunderstorm.  The kids all shouted, “Run!”  After that it was a mad dash to the car.  I laughed as Cody, worried we may be struck by lightning, shouted, “We’re like the tallest things in here!”  Funny, considering we had, literally, just visited the giraffes!  The boys asked the next morning when we could go back.  By the way, the photos where Abby looks extremely hot and drenched in sweat is actually just the result of playing hard in the spray fans/water at the zoo.  They all love those fans.