It’s More Than a Scratch

This picture was taken 3 days after the incident (Notice Cody’s arm.)  Monday evening Anna asked Cody if he wanted to race her (He was on roller blades.  She was on her bike.)  She hesitated to ask because she told him that she would feel nervous if she was trying to race on roller blades.  He agreed to the race and even stated, “Besides, if I fall it will just be a scratch.”  Well, he won the race, but he wiped out full speed on a raised spot in the driveway.  Anna told us at the emergency room that Cody shouted to her after the crash, “It’s more than a scratch!  It’s more than a scratch!”  It sure was, a broken radius and a chipped ulna.  The doctors pushed his wrist down the next day to place the bone/cast in position for the best possible alignment.  Cody was so tough as he pushed through the pain.  His lips shivered for awhile afterwards, and my heart broke for him and my stomach was in knots.  Not how we planned to start summer vacation, but we will make the most of it.