Down the Drain

On the night of Wednesday, August 3, 2016, Abigail pulled me aside to the other room to tell me something that was apparent she didn’t want anyone else to know.  I listened as she fought back tears to tell me that her first loose tooth went down the drain as she was brushing her teeth.  After she finished telling me, she buried her face into me and began sobbing.  She had been so excited for weeks about losing her first tooth and now, this.  She could lose any tooth, but, please, not her first one.  This is the girl who was so afraid to get into the shower, scared her tooth would go down the drain while in there.  I assured her it wouldn’t.  Now I felt like a huge liar.  Shawn came in with a toothpick and started digging around in the drain.  He’s a good daddy.  And calm.  I, for one, entertained the thought of ripping all the pipes from the wall until that itty-bitty tooth was found.  Ha!  It definitely broke my heart.  After no luck, we finally asked her if she actually saw the tooth go down the drain.  She hadn’t, so we began looking around.  Shawn quickly found it on the tile floor.  Whew, relief!  I really learned a lesson that day.  Do not tell your children things you can not promise.  I told Abby her tooth would not go down the drain, but it sure came pretty doggone close.  Anna used to have fears of swallowing her tooth while asleep.  I told her she would not swallow a tooth.  About a month ago, I got a call from Anna and her friends, telling me Anna swallowed her tooth while eating a Dorito.  True story.  Be careful what you promise.  So happy for you, Abigail!