Off to Find Dory

Spent one of our mornings snorkeling in the scenery of the Finding Nemo movie-the most beautiful coral reefs, sea turtles, sting rays, and colorful fish.  I actually told the kids on the boat ride over that I really hoped we found a sea turtle.  As we were headed back to the boat, we found one!  That afternoon we explored Flamenco Beach which is considered the second most beautiful beach in the world by Discover Channel.  We ended the next night with a kayak ride to the bioluminescent bay, a serious life highlight for me.  Picture an entire ocean bay filled with glow sticks or fairy dust.  Except it’s not man made; it’s God’s creation.  The water luminescence is triggered by dinoflagellates, oceanic plankton which is able to generate an emerald green and ultramarine illumination when water is physically disturbed.

A couple things to remember:  The morning we arrived at the boat dock for our ride out to Culebra Island to go snorkeling, my swimsuit strap broke.  There was a fear that my swimsuit top would not stay up for the day’s adventure.  Thankfully, a plump, slightly bearded, super friendly Puerto Rican woman happened to have a needle and thread in her car and sewed my swimsuit top as we stood and chatted along the roadside.  I told her I would never forget her.  Secondly, hearing Cody on our bioluminescent bay trip, shouting for me to look at the amazing glowing water all around us and hearing him tell the guide how awesome this trip was.  Cody mentioned to me in excitement that he had never experienced anything like that before.  Trip of a lifetime.

*Looked through some video from our underwater camera.  I took a few snapshots from there.  Some are from Cody’s scuba diving trip.