Quotes and Photo Dump

I was almost ready to delete all the photos on my phone but then got nostalgic looking through them.  They hold special memories to me, so I decided to just dump them all into my post of the kids’ quotes.  These pictures go back to the end of summer.  They all bring up different feelings of our day to day lives….Abigail accrediting her strong muscles to being able to swim across the pool, playing rock, paper, scissor with Dylan poolside, shadows on the dock in the evening after a day of swimming, summer movies, the neighbor boys’ AMAZING snow cone stand, prayers over Dylan by our friend Mr. Ben, Dylan’s love for the puppet ministry and Ms. Betty (It was actually through a fundraiser for our puppet ministry in my hometown that I met Shawn),  the Valentine cupid’s arrow box with Hershey kisses that Anna made and surprised me with for Valentine’s Day, summer magic shows, Taco Bell runs when Dad is traveling for work since he greatly dislikes Taco Bell, Shawn loving on the kids in the church preschool, Cody and Anna staying up late to help me get things ready to share Jesus with the preschoolers the next morning (like the leper shirts), one of the last photos of Dylan with his training wheels, skating with the kids, Abigail passed out from a full day in Puerto Rico, and an evening of sampling cheesecakes at the Cheesecake Factory (Dylan and Abigail always sit so close to me.  Shawn tried to have them give me a little elbow room.  I told him it was okay, so he took a picture instead.  They won’t always sit that closely one day.)  Okay, now for some recent quotes by the kids!

1.  Dylan was in tears when he overheard Shawn and me discussing buying a new house.  After consoling him, he says, “And could you never think of moving again?”

2.  Abigail told me, “Mrs. Reese says when we ask Jesus in our hearts, He is going to build us a mansion!”  Then she took me off guard when she said, “I really hope He builds mine just like our house!  And I hope it has the same stuff as our house!”  Then she knelt down at our chair and asked God that.

3.  Abigail: “I like when you and Dad hug!”  Whenever she walks into a room and sees us hugging she says, “Oh, we’re doing this again,” and then she comes hurrying over to join in the hug!

4.   After the Lantern Fest we attended, Abigail and Dylan planned a wedding for Minnie and Mickey Mouse .  They were discussing the lanterns they were going to set off at the wedding!

5.  Abigail gets the words to the song on the movie Frozen confused.  She sings, “I don’t know if I’m a lady or gassy, but I’m somewhere in this town!”  It is supposed to be, “I don’t know if I’m elated or gassy, but I’m somewhere in that zone.”

6.  Cody frustrated with his scratchy shirt, finally pulls his shirt off and exclaims, ”  That’s it!  I’m going to check and see what ingredients are in this!”

7.  Abigail after hearing Shawn talk for a bit, “Okay, I can’t understand anything you’re talking about.  The only ones that can understand you right now are dolphins.”

8.  Dylan out shopping with me, “Is that what they call one of those ugly Christmas sweaters?”  Um, no, that’s a sweater Mommy is thinking of buying for myself and wearing!

9.  When President Donald Trump took office, Dylan asked, “Does that mean there’s going to be a new star on the flag?”

10.  Dylan going to take a drink after me asks, “Did you put your salima on it?”  (Meaning saliva)

11.   Dylan has been continually making a low growling sound in his throat.  I asked him why he does that, and he stated, “It’s become a habitat.”  (Meaning habit)

12.   After hearing Anna give an oral presentation about President Trump’s plans during his Presidency, Abigail grabbed some note cards and gave her own speech.  She ended strongly stating, “And he plans to crush ice!”  We broke into laughter when we realized she was referring to crushing ISIS.  The thought of voting for a President because he will crush ice for us just struck me funny!  I do wish the problems of this world really were that simple, though.

13.  Cody playing a Mario Kart racing game with me, “I like spending time together.”

14.   Dylan constantly feels like the people who wrote his school curriculum are out to get him.  He has told me many times, “They’re trying to make me lose.”  And I tell him every time, “No, they’re trying to make you learn.”

15.  Abigail wrestling with Shawn, “Oh, I’m afraid this is going to end badly!”

16.  Abigail to me, “You’re my favorite mom.  I don’t want to have any other mom in the whole world.”

17.  Dylan asked me all week to do an activity paper with him that he got from church.  He would get a prize from his teacher if he did it.  When we finally sat down to work on it, he became restless.  I said to him, “Haven’t you been asking to do this all week?”  He responded, “Yeah, but I didn’t know there would be this much talking.”  Typical boy/man!

18.  I overheard Dylan excitedly say to Abigail in the backseat of the car, “Oh, my song’s coming on!”  (the radio)  The words were, “Bless the Lord, oh my soul!”  I think it is cute he has his own song, and it brought back memories of him singing this at the top of his lungs the day we raced Shawn on jet skis!

19.  Dylan and Abigail were discussing Heaven and our new bodies we will receive.  I reminded them how Pastor Bob jokes that he hopes he gets hair when he gets to Heaven.  My little comedian Dylan says so seriously, “I think he still looks good without hair.  I think I like him better without it.”  It struck me, when you love someone (and he thinks the world of Pastor Bob)  all our “imperfections” don’t really seem like imperfections.  Bald is how Dylan has always known Pastor Bob.  It is familiar to him.  So sweet, Dylan!

20.  Abigail: “Mom, I wish when one person in your family goes to Heaven, everyone else could go too.”  I asked her why she said that.  She responded, “I don’t know…I love you guys.”

21.  Dylan has been concerned about getting married.  Here is a conversation we had one day recently, “Does that mean if I get married I won’t get to see you anymore?”  “No, you’ll still get to see me.”  “But what if I have to take a plane to get to my house?”  “We’ll just have to plan to live in the same city.”  Dylan excitedly answers, “Yeah, let’s plan on that!  Let’s plan on St. Louis.”  A minute later…”And, I can work with Dad.  But I will drive to his house and ride with him to work.”  “Yes, you could carpool,” I told him.   He then sat there with a satisfied smile over these arrangements.