Solar Eclipse 2017

The solar eclipse yesterday was truly incredible.  I didn’t realize just how amazing it would be to experience until it was actually taking place.  God’s wonders never cease!  Some highlights for me:

1. Shawn surprising us by coming home on his lunch break to watch it with us.

2.  Cody setting up the telescope and adjusting it as needed.  I love how capable he is.  Also, Cody entertaining us with stories of how Christopher Columbus used a lunar eclipse to trick the Indians into supplying him with food.

3.  The awe and wonder from the kids and the excitement as they called for everyone to come look up at the sky one more time as the images kept changing.

4.  Cody and Shawn setting up their own little sun dial and watching as the shadows quickly changed.

5.  The instantaneous and incredible darkness (although not complete darkness) that spread across the area when it was at totality.  Also, the drop in temperature that was felt.

6.  Everything was pure silence before the totality, and then the cicadas just went crazy making their noises, and the birds began singing their songs.  The animals were definitely tricked into thinking it was dusk.

Such a magnificent experience, and I am so glad I got to witness it.  I let the kids look through the telescope when the moon was completely covering the sun, so I do not have a picture of that from the telescope, but I did get a photo of its reflection on our upstairs window.  History in the making.  God is real.